Da Lat's wind-hanging persimmon is considered a combination of the essence of heaven and earth and human effort. Coming to the foggy city, sitting in the middle of vast forests and mountains in the cold weather, sipping on a cup of hot tea and enjoying a plate of hanging persimmons, what's better than this?
Some details about Da Lat wind hanging persimmons
If before that, dried persimmons or dried persimmons were familiar to many families, then the presence of a new dish - wind-hanging persimmons - has attracted the attention of many more people. Wind-hanging persimmons are persimmons that are dried by natural wind and are usually only lightly dried. Thanks to that, the persimmon still retains its moisture and softness, and when enjoyed, the fragrance of the persimmon can still be clearly seen compared to dried persimmons or persimmons dried by other methods. It can be said that hanging persimmons are a completely natural gift. Because only its natural sweetness resonates with the sun and air to produce delicious hanging persimmons.
When is Dalat persimmon season?
Golden Valley, Khe Sanh, suburban areas such as Trai Mat, Cau Dat, and Da Lat are crowded with about 300 wind-hanging persimmon establishments. This is also known as the capital of persimmons with hundreds of hills filled with persimmon gardens. The persimmon trees grown here are mostly crispy persimmons.
Da Lat's persimmon season starts from mid-September until the cold winters of late November and early December. At this time, the persimmon trees have lost all their leaves, leaving only crimson persimmons on the branches. Therefore, when traveling to Da Lat at this time, visitors not only have the opportunity to enjoy delicious specialties of heaven and earth but can also directly experience making hanging persimmons.
The benefits that Da Lat wind hanging persimmon brings
As wind-hanging persimmon is a 100% natural product, it is very beneficial for people with cardiovascular disease in providing natural sugar for the body. According to experts, eating 3-4 persimmons a day is highly effective in stabilizing blood pressure. People who are overweight or obese can also use persimmons very well. Because persimmons can be eaten when hungry but do not contain too many calories.
Not only that, persimmons are very good for people with stomach diseases and digestive disorders. Persimmons contain abundant amounts of fiber and tannin. Persimmons are rich in vitamin A, lycopene and cryptoxanthin, so they are very good for the eyes and anti-aging, helping to prevent and treat anemia.
Wind-hanging persimmon - a sophisticated dish in each step
Hanging persimmon is known as the most delicious of Da Lat's specialty jams, but the way to create this specialty also makes many people "shocked" about the difficulty and feat. The first step is to select persimmons. The selected persimmons must reach a certain level of maturity. The persimmon is large, the skin is orange-yellow in color, the persimmon must be firm and have no insect bites or bruises. In particular, the right persimmon still has a scroll on the left.
After that, the persimmon is cleaned, drained and the skin is sweetened. Next, tie the string to the persimmon stem and tighten it. The persimmons will be tied alternately so that the persimmons do not touch each other when drying. Then, choose a place without direct sunlight, ventilation and rain to dry the roses, and hang them on a string in a string. On average, about 7-8kg of fresh persimmons will produce a finished product of 1kg of hanging persimmons.
After about 5-10 days, the persimmon will become softer and gradually turn dark orange, with a brown tint. To make persimmons more flexible and soft, farmers need to know how to "massage" by gently squeezing the persimmons. Finally, after about 18 days, the workers began to lower the trellis, and harvest the delicious hanging persimmons. As long as the weather is not favorable, if it rains for a week without sunshine, the entire crop will be lost. Because of the meticulousness and complexity of the wind-hanging persimmon production process, the finished product is of extremely high quality and is very popular.
Da Lat hanging persimmon is red-yellow in color, hard on the outside, soft on the inside with sweet honey. The taste is sweet and fragrant. To enjoy this type of persimmon, you should serve it with a cup of hot tea. Often people consider this an elegant gift. Used to eat with a cup of hot tea when friends chat on cold winter days.
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Hotline: 0903453365
Address: Petit Coffee, 31 Nam Ho, Ward 11, Da Lat, Lam Dong